The book The Raped Little Runaway, written by Jean Martin, has become the first book to be banned in Ireland since 1998.
The meeting of the Censorship of Publications Board, which took place at the start of March, made the decision to ban the book on the grounds of its content as it contains descriptions of the rape of a child.
The banning order applies to all editions of the book from all publishers.
Speaking to The Independent, board chairman Shane McCarthy stated that it was the only option: "We either ban it or allow it. It isn't like a film where you can put in an age restriction. It is black or white".
The board, which meets only as required, came to a unanimous decision on the book, with all five members voting for it to be banned.
McCarthy added that "the collective view of the board was that it was a vile publication as it contained graphic descriptions of the rape of a minor. It was not singular. This is the first book that has been banned since 1998".
Via The Independent