
Greek MEP says Eurozone debt conference necessary for EU to remain united and economically stable

A Greek MEP, who is on an official visit to Dublin, says a Eurozone debt conference is necessary ...

08.03 7 Feb 2015

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Greek MEP says Eurozone debt c...

Greek MEP says Eurozone debt conference necessary for EU to remain united and economically stable


08.03 7 Feb 2015

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A Greek MEP, who is on an official visit to Dublin, says a Eurozone debt conference is necessary for the EU to remain united and economically stable.

It follows criticism of the newly elected Syriza party in Greece, who want to have their bailout from the Troika written down.

During the week Enda Kenny said Greece should follow the Irish lead, and not ask for a debt write-down on their bailout loan from the Troika. He added that the Irish Government would not be taking part in a Debt Conference with Greece.


MEP Kostas Chrysogonas, from the Syriza Party, says that it is unrealistic for Ireland or Greece to pay off their sovereign debts.

Mr Chrysogonas says the sovereign debts and government borrowings of the Irish and Greek governments are too high.

He also said a debt write down for countries like Greece would actually benefit the Euro:

Meanwhile Sinn Fein are calling for an increase to the minimum wage and the reform of the Universal Social Charge (USC).

The party is holding a conference to discuss how people on low wages can be better supported.

They are also looking for more public services to be made available to employees on low pay.

The party says the Coalition does not understand the struggles faced by families who are living on low incomes.

TD Mary Lou McDonald says the issue of the 'working poor' has not been properly dealt with in the Dáil:

Senator David Cullinane says low wages and income levels have a negative impact on people's quality of life.

A rally in solidarity with the people of Greece and the newly-elected Syriza-led government also took place in the capital today.

Members of the Greek Solidarity Committee here in Ireland are hosting Syriza activists in bid to raise awareness of the parties debt proposals.

The demonstration was chaired by the Greek Solidarity Committee, Syriza activists and the general-secretary of the Mandate trade union.

Syriza activists also attended a breakfast meeting hosted by Communities Against Water Charges.

In a statement, the Greek Solidarity Committee said: "Both Ireland and Greece have been exposed to unsustainable levels of debt coupled with a relentless austerity programme which has plunged both countries into social and economic misery."

"The Syriza victory reminds us that government, and therefore political choices can change. In demonstrating solidarity with the people of Greece this weekend, we will also be emphasising the need for a resolution of the debt crisis".

Originally posted at 8.05am

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