
Support for Fine Gael is at its lowest since 2003, according to new opinion poll

The coalition parties have suffered a serious slump in support over the past two months. The late...

06.47 4 Dec 2014

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Support for Fine Gael is at it...

Support for Fine Gael is at its lowest since 2003, according to new opinion poll


06.47 4 Dec 2014

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The coalition parties have suffered a serious slump in support over the past two months.

The latest Ipsos/MRBI poll in today's Irish Times shows support for Fine Gael is at its lowest since 2003 - down five points to 19%.

Labour are on 6 percent, down three since the last poll.


Taoiseach Enda Kenny's satisfaction rating is the lowest it's been since he took over leadership of the part in 2002.

Sinn Féin are the country's second most popular party at 22%, but they're down on the last poll too, while Fianna Fáil buck the trend and are up one point to 21%.

Independents/Others have surged in support, increasing their share by 9 points in this poll to reach 32%.

This morning, Chris Donoghue and Ivan Yates discussed the latest poll with Ivan stating: "The big issue here is that trust has broken down with the party system and trust is something that cannot be fixed. 

"It's quite clear, once you breach trust, it can't be fixed."

Chris pointed out: "No single party gets higher than 22%. That is a first in 30 years of polling.

"If we had an election on these numbers, could a stable government be formed?"


Meanwhile, former Fine Gael senior strategist Frank Flannery says that if the poll isn't a crisis for the party - "then what is?".

He says Fine Gael could still get re-elected - but it will take a "monumental" effort.

But Frank Flannery says the Government can't afford to change leadership:

The Children's Minister James Reilly says today's poor poll showing for Fine Gael is not completely surprising.

Minister Reilly says the public has endured years of hardship as the government got the economy back on track, but people are not feeling that improvement in their pockets just yet:

Minister Alex White said Irish Water has a played a role in the latest poll:


Sinn Féin has promised to table a motion of no confidence in the Taoiseach:

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