
Taoiseach drops in to Panti Bar for a Christmas party

Taoiseach Enda Kenny tonight visited one of the country’s best known gay bars as he attende...

22.58 2 Dec 2014

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Taoiseach drops in to Panti Ba...

Taoiseach drops in to Panti Bar for a Christmas party


22.58 2 Dec 2014

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Taoiseach Enda Kenny tonight visited one of the country’s best known gay bars as he attended the Fine Gael LGBT Christmas party.

Along with several other TDs, including Jerry Buttimer and Dr. James O’Reilly, the Taoiseach attended the function at Panti Bar, the bar owned by Rory O’Neill, also known as entertainer and campaigner Panti Bliss.

Jerry Buttimer, chairman of Fine Gael LGBT, said the event “wasn’t a party per se” and the Taoiseach had dropped in as “his way of acknowledging the work of the group”, according the Irish Independent.


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