The Finance Minister says market indifference has vindicated his decision to forego a precautionary line of credit on our exit from the bailout.
Michael Noonan says the financial sector 'yawned' on our news.
The Minister says we have buffers of more that €20 billion in place to fund us up until the second quarter of 2015 - even without going to the markets.
It comes as a Central Bank report expresses concerns about the fragile status of homeowners whose mortgages are in arrears as we prepare to exit the bailout in 10 days.
Minister says there is 'nothing mysterious' about the model we need to follow
But speaking at a Bloomberg event in London today, Minister Noonan said we have enhanced our reputation over the three years of the bailout.
Mr. Noonan also said he wants to move Ireland away from the 'boom and bust' model. He added that we are following a simple model to get the economy back on track.