Documentary on Newstalk, presents a new documentary by producers Shaun O’Boyle and Maurice Kelliher. In 'Looking Up' we meet the astronomers working in an historic observatory in Castleknock Co Dublin.
DIAS Dunsink Observatory is a beautiful building, located in Castleknock in Dublin, and filled with centuries of space-related history, telescopes, stories, artefacts, diaries, and equipment.
'Looking Up' will air on Sunday March 26th at 7am, repeated Saturday April 1st at 9pm, and will be available as a podcast.
We take a tour of the observatory with astronomers who work in this historic building. We explore the site's history, and we discover what kind of scientific research happens there today - from studying solar flares to space weather, nearby planets to distant galaxies.
Looking Up is a Shaun and Maurice production, produced by Maurice Kelliher and Shaun O’Boyle, and was funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, as part of the sound and vision scheme.