Documentary On Newstalk presents 'Rebel Prisoner', the story of Seamus Cavanagh, a British army soldier turned Irish Volunteer who was interned in multiple prisons and camps between 1916-24 including Wormwood Scrubs, Frongoch internment camp and the prison ship Argenta.
Contributors: Colm Toland, Dr Adrian Grant, Michael Gallagher.
Sound Recordist: Gerry Tracey, Mix and additional editing: Rory Donaghy at Blast Furnace.
Voice actor was Aoife Schlindwein with traditional singing by Grace Toland.
Rebel Prisoner is a Raw Nerve production, produced and presented by Otto Schlindwein and funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the Television Licence Fee.
Image courtesy of Colm Toland - Seamus Cavanagh and Sara with children circa 1916