The show was broadcast from Whites Hotel in Wexford and began with a chilly start when Bobby told of his ‘3 minutes of hell’ in the Hotel’s ‘Cryo’ which is a Cryotherapy chamber with a temperature of minus 110 degrees. The show heated up after that when Bobby spoke to some of the retailers and business people in the town.
Wexford is a town that has certainly fought back from the effects of the recession and Bobby was told of how Wexford town doesn’t have as many vacant shop fronts as other towns of its size. Bobby met a selection of business people and retailers from Wexford who were certainly winning back the high street. Being in Wexford, our industry focus was on ‘Strawberries’ and we spoke to growers and people connected with the Industry.
Wexford is a place full of culture and we were treated to a couple of songs from Wexford’s own ‘Cornerboy’ who held the audience spellbound with their song ‘Ghost Town City’. We were also told what a central place Opera holds in Wexford’s Cultural Landscape when Bobby spoke to CEO of Wexford Festival Opera David McLoughlin.
Plus we were out and about visiting Rosslare Harbour and hearing about the strange things people try and bring on a ferry like a dead body!
You can hear the whole of the show here…..