Guinea pigs are the perfect pet for children, Pete the Vet has said.
For any parent considering getting their child a cuddly friend, Pete said they should take the plunge and get one as pets are “very good” for children.
“Studies have shown that children that grow up around pets, they end up being more self-confident and more socially adept than children who grow up without pets,” he told Moncrieff.
“Animals generally are very good at teaching children about body language and about how to relate to other living beings.
“As well as that, pets are great emotional support for children, pets are completely uncritical, they love people regardless of what people are up to.
“A kid can have a messy bedroom and really irritate their parents but the animals still adore them.”

While most people get a dog or a cat, Pete recommended people consider getting a “very friendly” guinea pig for their family.
“I think they’re the best children’s pets because they’re easy to train, easy to tame, easy to handle and they very, very rarely bite,” he said.
“Other little pets like rabbits, they can scratch children.
“Hamsters have a strong, sharp bite sometimes.
“Rats and mice, they can make good pets but they do have a stronger smell than guinea pigs.”
The more the merrier
Pete said guinea pigs make “fabulous pets for children” and suggested getting more than one if possible.
“You want two or three together because they like to live in little groups and they’re very social,” he said.
“They’re very chatty things, they have squeaks and whistles and all sorts of noises they make when they’re happy or when they’re frightened.”
The average guinea pig lives between five and seven years.
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Main image: A girl and her guinea pig. Picture by: