
Dog saves woman from choking to death

It’s not something you hear everyday but a Japanese Akita named Sheba helped save her owner...

09.24 25 Oct 2012

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Dog saves woman from choking t...

Dog saves woman from choking to death


09.24 25 Oct 2012

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It’s not something you hear everyday but a Japanese Akita named Sheba helped save her owner’s life.

Aysha Perry was sitting at home last Friday night in Nottinghamshire, England and decided to cook chicken for dinner.

Perry was watching television when a 4cm piece of meat became lodged in her throat.


Sheba was asleep but awoke when hearing the sound of Aysha choking in her sitting room.

The dog leapt to her hour in need and with one striking blow to Perry’s back with Sheba’s paw the chicken was coughed out.

The 18 year old tattoo artist lives with one other person who was out at the time and said:

“I was at home on my own and genuinely thought I was going to die. It’s a good job she has such big paws and after the chicken came out. Sheba began licking my face to make sure I was OK.”

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