are advising those interested to be vigilant and be ready.
Their Young Professionals and International Co-op categories or internship programme opened yesterday. But their largest programme for the Working Holiday Visa category will open tomorrow, Thursday March 13th.
They say that the UK were only be granted 5,350 places in 2014 compared with Ireland which has 10,700 places available.
The visa experts say that this is clear evidence that Canadian employers like and appreciate the calibre of worker from Ireland. Irish applicants also have the added advantage of being able to apply up to 36 years whereas UK passport holders can apply up to age of 31 only.
According to Edwina Shanahan, leading migration specialist with “While there will be 10,700 places made available this year – hopeful applicants should bear in mind the 6,350 places of the 2013 programme year went quickly - within 48 hours last year – which smacks of the demand for the Garth Brooks concerts earlier this year!"
Currently most of the employers that are coming to are looking to fill positions in the following occupations:
- Carpenters
- Diesel Mechanics
- Panel Beaters
- Concrete Finishers
- Plumbers
The working holiday visa will allow Irish workers to enter freely to work in Canada but it also allows workers to move around in seek of better opportunities.
You can find out what you need to be eligible for a visa here and you can apply online here.