
13 more coronavirus-related deaths and 402 new confirmed cases in Republic

13 more people have died in the Republic after being diagnosed with COVID-19. It brings the total...
Stephen McNeice
Stephen McNeice

17.44 2 Apr 2020

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13 more coronavirus-related de...

13 more coronavirus-related deaths and 402 new confirmed cases in Republic

Stephen McNeice
Stephen McNeice

17.44 2 Apr 2020

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13 more people have died in the Republic after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

It brings the total number of deaths here to 98.

A further 402 new cases of the virus have also been confirmed in the Republic today - the highest number of new cases in a day to date.


The nationwide total of cases now stands at 3,849.

The patients who died included four females and nine males, with 10 are said to have had underlying health conditions.

The median age of deaths here to date is 82.

Data from the Department of Health show 148 cases have been admitted to ICU, and 25 of those cases have since been discharged.

There have been 14 deaths from ICU cases, while 109 patients remain in intensive care.

Meanwhile, more than a quarter of the confirmed cases of the virus - 841 cases (26%) - are associated with healthcare workers.

Speaking this evening after a hospital visit earlier this week, Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said: “I would like to highlight a worrying scene I witnessed during my visit to hospital on Tuesday evening; empty waiting rooms and empty beds.

"While protecting yourself from COVID-19 is a priority, no one should ignore signs that they may need medical attention for other ailments such as lumps, chest pain or other concerns. Please do not ignore any symptom outside of COVID-19.

"The hospitals are there for all ailments, not just COVID-19.”

Dr Holohan said suggested the coronavirus curve here has been flattened "but we need to flatten it further”.

He also said we will see the full impact of social distancing measures in the next week.

Meanwhile, Northern Ireland has today reported six coronavirus-related deaths - bringing the total number of deaths there to 36.

It means the number of deaths on the island of Ireland has now risen to 134.

A total of 774 cases have now been confirmed in the North, after 85 additional cases were reported to health officials today.

Main image: File photo of Dr Tony Holohan. Photo: Sam Boal/

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