The O2 in Dublin is paying for 23 gardai to police a Hardwell gig at the venue tonight.
The venue says it is standard practice that, at larger events, the State supplies a certain number of officers and the promoters hire in the rest.
The O2 says a full medical and security team will be in place and that anyone under-18 or who appears intoxicated will not be allowed in.
The precaution comes after more than 100 young people fell ill at the Dutch DJs concert in Belfast last night. Tests are being carried out to see if drink or drugs were to blame.
17 were taken to hospital last night. Emergency crews say many people, including young teens, turned up already heavily intoxicated.
Some of them were not allowed inside the Odyssey Arena to see the performance.
Fionnuala Sheehan from is encouraging people going to this gig to act responsibly.