
3 on trial accused of raping woman in Cork van

The prosecution claims it will prove that the men had made a ‘prior agreement to participat...

16.46 25 Oct 2012

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3 on trial accused of raping w...

3 on trial accused of raping woman in Cork van


16.46 25 Oct 2012

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The prosecution claims it will prove that the men had made a ‘prior agreement to participate in an unlawful act’ and that the accused ‘were driving around with a mattress in the back of the van at 3am on the September 13th 2009.

Wiping back tears through much of her evidence the woman was shown the torn top and underwear she wore on the night of the alleged rapes.

CCTV footage


Earlier that evening she had gone on a mystery bus tour with friends but got seperated from the group after a night drinking in a pub in Glanmire.

The jury has heard CCTV shows her unsteady on her feet outside a nearby school.

She says her next memory was lying on a mattress in the back of a van where she claims her clothes were pulled from her and she was orally raped and sexually assaulted.

‘Pact with the devil’

She says there were 3 men and a woman who egged the men on and molested her.

They then gave her a lift home which she described to Gardaí as a ‘pact with the devil’.

The accused are now aged 19 and 20 but were 15, 16 and 18-years-old at the time.

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