60% of couples planning on having kids have been forced to delay because of the housing crisis, according to Accord Ireland.
The Catholic marriage agency also found that 48% of couples had delayed their wedding because of the cost of housing.
On Lunchtime Live, Claire, a mother of twins, said the cost of housing in Dublin had made becoming a parent a really hard decision.
“I proceeded with having children despite the fact that I couldn’t afford housing,” she said.
“My age was a factor; my circumstances - I hadn’t met anybody to settle down with and therefore [we didn’t have] two salaries that could afford housing in Dublin - which is where I’m from.
“But I proceeded to have children anyway because it was either do it now or do I’d have been too late to do it at all.
“I had twins and I moved about an hour and a half away from my support system, two hours away from my job to a place where I could afford housing for the three of us.”

After moving so far away from her family, she quickly became “burnt out” and decided to move back.
“Now myself and my two children are back in Dublin living with my parents who are near 80,” she said.
“Which isn’t a great situation for any of us to be in but, unfortunately, I was just in the position of either having children now or not.
“In an ideal world, I would have had a home first before having children but that is just not an option for people my age.

Claire said despite having a “good job” and earning an above average wage, life in Dublin is unaffordable.
“I have a big creche bill because I had twins, so the bill is twice the price and I’m left in a scenario where it’s okay,” she said.
“I’m working to my max capacity, earning the max that I can earn and I can either afford a creche or a house.
“But, obviously, my kids have to go to creche so that I can go to work.”
Recently, Claire has reduced her hours and now she qualifies for housing support.
Main image: A pregnant woman. Picture by: Lorna E5A6PR/Design Pics via ZUMA Wire.