
AUDIO: 75 new jobs for Laois, Galway & Longford

75 new jobs have been announced this morning at 3 separate companies in Laois, Galway and Longfor...

07.47 19 Jul 2013

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AUDIO: 75 new jobs for Laois,...

AUDIO: 75 new jobs for Laois, Galway & Longford


07.47 19 Jul 2013

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75 new jobs have been announced this morning at 3 separate companies in Laois, Galway and Longford.

The automotive coatings company Magni Group is creating 50 new jobs in Portarlington - while Flagship Management in Kinvarra is creating 15 new jobs and there's 10 new positions being created at Ark Energy Consulting in Longford town.

All of the positions have been brought about thanks to the ConnectIreland's Finder's Fee Initiative - which awards the Irish person who brings foreign jobs to Ireland by paying them €1,500 per position created.


Kieran Leavy of P&J Security Business in Portarlington says he managed to get the American R&D facility Magni Group to his home town - after hearing about the initiative from Connect Ireland:

Portarlington man Leavy brought the US company to the 40,000 square foot facility through a social relationship he had with a Magni executive. They met in a Dublin bar and Leavy brought the visitor to a GAA match.

Having already registered with ConnectIreland after seeing their stand at the 20212 GAA Congress, Kieran put the two in touch and the jobs announcement will be made today.

Kieran has no plans about how to spend the money. "To be honest, this is about the people of Portarlington. It's a great boost to the economy and it means lots of parents will be happy to see their college-educated children not having to emigrate now."

ConnectIreland is the IDA-backed initiative designed to harness the power of the global Irish family.

Action Plan for Jobs

It comes as the government prepares to publish the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 Second Progress Report, outlining results for Quarter 2 of the year.

The Taoiseach Enda Kenny and the Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore will present the results later this morning.

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