
88% increase in people sleeping rough in Dublin

The Simon Community says its services for the homeless are being stretched more than ever with de...

10.21 24 Sep 2013

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88% increase in people sleepin...

88% increase in people sleeping rough in Dublin


10.21 24 Sep 2013

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The Simon Community says its services for the homeless are being stretched more than ever with demand at crisis levels. The organisation is launching its annual report this morning which says the government plan to end long-term homelessness by 2016 is in serious jeopardy.

It says the homeless sector has already absorbed massive reductions and is expecting further cuts which makes it extremely challenging to tackle what it describes as the "alarming rise in demand" for housing and support services.

The group reports a 66% rise in people sleeping rough in Dublin City Centre in the first half of this year January to June compared to the same period in 2012. It says July to September is a staggering 88% rise on the same period for last year.


The community conducts regular weekly street counts of rough sleepers.

Speaking at the launch, Sam McGuinness of the Simon Community said "The homeless sector has already absorbed massive reductions and we are expecting further cuts".

"This will mean that since 2008, we have experienced severe decreases, making it extremely challenging to tackle the alarming rise in demand for housing and support services to the most vulnerable in our society" he added.

Over 22,000 sandwiches & hot drinks were given out last year

In reaction to the figures, Mr. McGuinness said the September count of 85 people sleeping rough in one night is "very frightening and the highest since we started our own regular inner city street counts some years ago".

Dublin Simon Community would see this as the absolute minimum figure, as their early morning counts do not include people considered the 'hidden homeless' who are couch surfing, staying in squats, hospitals, internet cafes or temporary B&Bs.

The annual review says that their Soup Run, which is conducted by part-time volunteers, distributed 22,700 sandwiches and hot drinks to people sleeping rough.

Meanwhile over 860 people accessed their emergency accommodation and 41% of those who accessed the service had been homeless longer than five years.

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