On this week’s ‘So You Think You’re an Adult’ segment, one letter writer asked how to subtly talk her fiancé into buying her a 'proper' engagement ring.
“Over Christmas, my partner proposed,” she told Moncrieff.
“For the proposal, he used a placeholder ring. It's a simple silver ring with a small stone – it's very sweet and simple.
“But I expected that I would have the actual engagement ring by now, over a month later.
“He made some half-hearted comments in early January suggesting we would go jewellery shopping, but over the past week or so, he’s been making increasingly frequent asides about how ‘gorgeous’ the placeholder ring is.
“I picked up a few comments about how splurging on a big ring would be such a waste of money.
“I’m starting to get worried that he’s slowly trying to get out of his obligation to the actual ring and make the placeholder permanent.
“How do I get my ring without coming across as nagging?"

Broadcaster Barbara Scully said this woman should find a ring she likes herself, put it on hold, and tell her fiancé to go pick it up.
“When I was getting my engagement ring... we got engaged and like that, I had no ring,” she said.
“I remember having a conversation about like, ‘Yeah, we don’t need to spend a fortune on it’, and he was dragging his heels and a couple of weeks later, I still hadn’t got a ring.
“So, I took myself into town and spent a whole day wandering around and then went back out to Dun Laoghaire, found the ring that I thought was appropriate and that I fell in love with.
“I rang him that night and said, ‘I have the ring, it’s been held in that jewellers, off you go’.”
TV personality Declan Buckley said that perhaps this woman's fiancé didn't see this as issue as a priority.
“When they’re discussing all of the lovely things that they want to do with their collective money, if that comes up as number one of something that they both value as something they need to do, then it will happen,” he said.
“If it’s not, through normal conversations and priorities, then maybe something else is more important.
“Also, just to give this lad his fair dues, maybe it’s just January blues.
“He’s going, ‘I got the tin ring for her in December, she’s looking for the other ring, I haven’t been paid yet, I need her to hold her whist for a while’.”
However, Barbara said if money is an issue he should say that to her directly and that if this woman wants her ring, she should go out and get it herself.
Main image by coryclayful from Pixabay