
Adulting: 'My wife keeps making remarks about my weight'

The husband said he could not help but feel unhappy about the “subtle jabs” his wife has made about his weight.
James Wilson
James Wilson

15.23 20 Oct 2024

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Adulting: 'My wife keeps makin...

Adulting: 'My wife keeps making remarks about my weight'

James Wilson
James Wilson

15.23 20 Oct 2024

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On this week’s Adulting segment on Moncrieff, one man wrote in to say he is unhappy with his wife’s recent remarks about his weight. 

The couple will be 20-years married next month and began to look through old photos together. 

The husband said he could not help but feel unhappy about the “subtle jabs” his wife has made about his weight.


“I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the stud I was 20-years ago,” he wrote. 

“But my appearance hasn’t always been a priority when it came to providing for my family and sacrifices have naturally had to be made. 

“I wouldn’t consider myself extremely overweight but I definitely don’t have the body I had in my 20s - who does? 

“What hurts me the most is that a lot of these comments are made in front of my children who are young and think it’s fun to laugh at Daddy. 

“Am I being too sensitive about this?”

The advice:

“It’s hard when people you love criticise your appearance,” Barbara Scully said. 

“That is always hurtful - I think that’s fair enough - and the fact that his kids are laughing at him, that’s not great.” 

Barbara added that his wife most likely “doesn’t look the same as she did 20-years ago” but wonders if her remarks about his weight are motivated by concern about his health. 

“Maybe you’ve gained more weight than is healthy?” she said. 

“I’m all about body positivity and I was so much about body positivity that I didn’t really mind getting fat and not doing any exercise. 

“Then I got Type 2 diabetes and then I had to change all of that.”

Barbara said older people cannot “get away with the stuff that they used to get away with” and said perhaps he should give his wife “the benefit of the doubt”.

Main image: A person standing on scales. Picture by: 

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