
Advice: ‘My husband wants me to get rid of my vibrator’ 

“It could be a case where he feels threatened."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

10.54 13 Jul 2024

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Advice: ‘My husband wants me t...

Advice: ‘My husband wants me to get rid of my vibrator’ 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

10.54 13 Jul 2024

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A wife got a vibrator to use while her husband was travelling – but now he’s coming home, and she doesn’t want to give away her new toy. 

She told So You Think You’re an Adult her husband bought her a vibrator before leaving to work abroad for a year. 

“I was reluctant at the start, I had never used anything like it before, and I was terrified my children would find it,” she told Moncrieff. 


“However, over the past four months, my opinion on the vibrator has changed.” 

She explained her and husband have had “some of the best nights of their lives” having virtual sex. 

She also started increasingly using the vibrator by herself, learning how to better use it. 

“When my husband came back home for a visit recently, I suggested introducing the vibrator during sex, and he was completely against the idea,” she said. 

“I didn't want to offend - but I have to say it wasn't the same without it." 

Her husband is returning permanently soon – and she isn’t whether to throw the vibrator out, stand her ground or hide it away. 

Broadcaster Declan Buckley said the husband saw the vibrator as a “temporary placement” - while the wife now sees it as something that has “opened up a new world”. 

“It doesn't mean either of them are wrong,” he said. “It doesn't mean the conversation is over.” 

She said the wife sounds “very respectful” of her husband’s feelings and she should maintain that while respecting her own desires. 

“It could be a case where he feels threatened,” he said. 

Writer Barbara Scully suggested the husband could have an “ego easily dented”. 

“Keep the vibrator,” she said. “If it's giving her the best pleasure she's had in years, why would you get rid of it? 

“He doesn't want any hand effect or part of it, and that's grand - but for God's sake, don't throw it out.” 

Hiding a vibrator

She said keeping the vibrator without telling the husband is a “tad” of a lie – but sometimes “a little dishonesty keeps the show on the road”. 

“I think she's well entitled to just keep it hidden somewhere and use it when he's at work, when you're in the car, when you're where you want to use it and just make sure he never finds it,” she said. 

Globally, 78% of people over 18 have at least one sex toy, with younger generations being more susceptible to purchasing and owning adult toys. 

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