
Watch 'adrenaline junkies' parachute off world's largest urban zipline

An incredible video of a group of adrenaline junkies ziplining and then parachuting to the ground...

11.04 6 Aug 2014

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Watch 'adrenaline junk...

Watch 'adrenaline junkies' parachute off world's largest urban zipline


11.04 6 Aug 2014

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An incredible video of a group of adrenaline junkies ziplining and then parachuting to the ground has been posted online.

In the video, a group of men and women slide down the world's largest ubran zipline that hangs over 800 feet above Panama City.

They jump from the top of the building and slide down the zipline before releasing themselves from the harness at the halfway point... and then parachuting into their landing area on the ground below.


Using a combination of GoPro cameras and 'Selfie Sticks', the group managed to film themselves performing the incredible stunt while falling through the air.

The video which was uploaded on YouTube earlier this week has already racked up nearly half a million views. 

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