
Analysis: Are Russian troops in south Ukraine a bad thing?

Ukraine is massive - it’s more than seven times the size of Ireland and has a population of...

16.06 1 Mar 2014

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Analysis: Are Russian troops i...

Analysis: Are Russian troops in south Ukraine a bad thing?


16.06 1 Mar 2014

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Ukraine is massive - it’s more than seven times the size of Ireland and has a population of 44.5 million people. With a country so large and so stretched from west to east, it’s not surprising there is a division among its people.

A clear indication of this is the division of language in the country, its clear many people in Ukraine feel they are Russian more than Ukrainian.

Below is a chart showing which regions use Russian as their first language.


When a country’s democratically elected government is ousted, there will always be internal conflict.

Western powers have rowed in behind the protesters which have forced out the former Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, who has vowed to fight on although authorities in Ukraine have called for his arrest.

Russian parliament has now agreed to send troops into the southern region of Ukraine known as Crimea, answering calls from its pro-Moscow leader to ensure “peace and tranquillity” in the area.

The US and UK are in a game of who will blink first over the possible divide of Ukraine, however it seems unlikely either will mobilise forces against Russia in an effort to support the new government in Ukraine.

Vague threats from western powers

US President Barack Obama has made vague threats against any aggression in the area, stating in a speech which was broadcast live, that “there would be costs” for Russia if Ukrainian borders were not respected.

However, people in south Ukraine may feel they are more secure financially with the Russia as a partner. The next few hours and days will reveal the future of the region and the country as it stands now.

Will western powers act with military force to assist the new Ukrainian government or will Russian forces successfully secure the disputed region without resistance?

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