
Updated: German restaurant siege over after man found asleep in basement

An armed man covered in blood barricaded himself in a restaurant in Germany earlier today. He ran...

11.39 7 Aug 2016

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Updated: German restaurant sie...

Updated: German restaurant siege over after man found asleep in basement


11.39 7 Aug 2016

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An armed man covered in blood barricaded himself in a restaurant in Germany earlier today.

He ran into the restaurant called Dubrovnik in the town centre of Saarbrueken, shouting for everyone inside to leave, according to a report by German newspaper Bild.

It is unclear how he injured himself and officers outside the restaurant were trying to negotiate with him. However, they eventually entered the premises and found the man asleep in the basement.


Earlier reports suggested the man was armed but that proved not to be the case.

A police spokesman said the man appeared to be in an "exceptional psychological situation". It is thought he is the son-in-law of the owner of the restaurant and is originally from Macedonia, but has lived in Germany for several years.

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