More than half the eviction notices that didn’t relate to house sales that were brought to Threshold towards the end of last year were invalid.
The housing charity said it supported 17,000 people in the last three months of 2022 – with the threat of eviction remaining the biggest issue for renters.
The charity’s advisors helped keep 1,041 households out of homelessness either by preventing their eviction or finding them somewhere new to live.
Threshold’s National Advocacy Manager Ann-Marie O’Reilly told Newstalk that termination notices related to a landlord deciding to sell the home are often valid.
Notices sent for other reasons, however, are often worth challenging.

“More than half of the notices that were brought to us were invalid across the various reasons for termination,” she said.
“When a tenant receives that notice, they should give us a call. That’s what we’re there for.
“If you’re unsure, if you have questions, if you would just like to double-check [contact us] – because there is a chance it will be invalid and you might not have to leave your home.”
In the final quarter:
- Over 40% of notices of termination for sale of property were found to be invalid by Threshold advisors
- Over 60% of notices citing rent arrears as a cause for termination, were deemed invalid.
- Just over 50% of notices that stated that the landlord or a family member was moving into the property, were invalid.
Ms O’Reilly said many renters in Ireland are not aware of the rights they have.
“They don’t know that they can stand up for themselves and challenge the landlord,” she said.
“Renters, yeah, get in touch. Don’t be afraid to challenge, whether it is a notice of termination or a rent review, or if there are repairs outstanding in the home – any issue that might be arising.”
Ms O’Reilly warned that most renters who are handed termination notices are placed at “immediate risk of homelessness, particularly with so few properties available to rent”.
In the final quarter of last year Threshold prevented 1,409 adults and 917 children from becoming homeless.