17,000 secondary school teachers are to take industrial action after rejecting the proposed government pay deal.
63% of members of the ASTI have voted to reject the Haddington Road agreement which would abolish some of their allowances.
Another 14,000 teachers may join them when the results of a similar ballot by the TUI are announced later.
Speaking about the outcome of the ballot today, ASTI General-Secretary Pat King said "Teachers' message today is that they have given enough. All second-level teachers are delivering more with far less resources at a time when their pay has been cut significantly and their working conditions have greatly disimproved".
"The Haddington Road Agreement is a step too far. Second-level schools are at the tipping point, having been stripped of key supports and personnel. Young people’s education has been diminished and their futures compromised. Haddington Road means taking more from education and from teachers" she added.
In a simultaneous ballot on industrial action, 65% voted in favour - up to and including strike action. The ASTI Standing Committee will meet on Monday to consider the ballot outcomes.
The ASTI president is Sally Maguire. She says the proposed abolition of the Substitution and Supervision Allowance, worth around €1,700 a year, had been a big factor in their decision.