
Attempted petrol bombing of O Snodaigh office

Gardaí at Ballyfermot are investigating an incident of criminal damage at the constituency offic...

16.56 17 Sep 2012

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Attempted petrol bombing of O...

Attempted petrol bombing of O Snodaigh office


16.56 17 Sep 2012

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Gardaí at Ballyfermot are investigating an incident of criminal damage at the constituency office of Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh.

It happened at around 2.30pm this afternoon.

A person entered the shared premises on Ballyfermot Road in Dublin 10 and tried to set off a petrol bomb.


However they failed to do so and then started a small fire at the bottom of the staircase.

No-one was injured.

Deputy Ó Snodaigh says the incident could have endangered the lives of both his staff and other workers based in the building.

The Dublin South-Central TD said “This mindless attack could have endangered the lives of people working in that building, not just my own staff but also those who work for two businesses who share the building with my office”.

“This will not deter me from delivering a constituency service to the most vulnerable in this community” he added.

The incident has been reported to Gardaí who are investigating.

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