
AUDIO: Minister says no evidence of Syria chemical attack

The Junior Minister for Foreign Affairs says it is very difficult to support the US draft resolut...

07.48 4 Sep 2013

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AUDIO: Minister says no eviden...

AUDIO: Minister says no evidence of Syria chemical attack


07.48 4 Sep 2013

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The Junior Minister for Foreign Affairs says it is very difficult to support the US draft resolution on military intervention in Syria - without facts to back up claims that chemical weapons have been used there.

Joe Costello says he is not aware of the information the US says it has - that shows the the Assad regime launched a chemical attack.

And he says we need to wait to see the outcome of an investigation by UN inspectors in Syria.


The Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Joe Costello, spoke to Ivan Yates on Newstalk's Breakfast earlier:

Meanwhile, the Minister said he couldn't comment on claims that 26 refugees are seeking asylum in Ireland. Joe Costello said that was a matter for either the Department of Justice or the Department of Foreign Affairs issue.

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