Three reports have been released by the National Office for Suicide Prevention, the National Suicide Research Foundation and the Suicide Support and Information System which looked at suicide rates here as well as the rate of self-harm.
It shows that while Ireland has the sixth lowest rate of suicide in the EU, we have the fourth highest youth suicide rate – especially among young men.
The reports also show there were over 12 thousand cases of self-harm reported by hospitals across the country in 2012 - a drop of 2 percent on 2011.
Former construction workers are some of the groups most at risk while alcohol abuse in the main cause of suicide in men over 40.
Junior Minister in charge of Mental Health Strategy, Kathleen Lynch, says work is moving fast on the new alcohol strategy.However the figures come from the CSO and are nearly three years old.
Dr. Ella Arensman from the National Suicide Research Foundation says they’re hopeful a pilot scheme they’re running in Cork, which collects data following a coroners inquest, will be rolled out nationwide.