The children's charity Barnardos has called on the Government to introduce free school books for primary students.
It comes as its Annual School Costs Survey found parents continue to pay "substantial costs" in getting their children ready to return to school each September.
Barnardos say free school books would cost just 0.2% of the overall education budget in 2020.
The basic cost of sending a child to school in 2019 remains substantial across primary and secondary.

The survey found the average cost of the basics needed for a senior infants pupil is €340; a fourth class pupil stands at €380 and a first year pupil is €735.
Some 42% of primary school parents and 47% of secondary school parents say they forgo paying bills and cut back on other costs to meet the costs of returning to school.
While 8% of primary and 14% of secondary school parents borrow money to cover the costs.
Some 51% of primary school parents and 46% of secondary school parents reported an increase in the cost of school books this year.
However, the majority of those who avail of a book rental scheme have indicated their contribution has remained the same - at 62% and 71% respectively.

Barnardos say despite a 5% increase in capitation fees, parents are still being asked to pay a voluntary contribution.
It says 67% of primary school parents have been asked for a voluntary contribution as have 69% of secondary school parents.
Schools also continue to ask parents to buy crested or branded uniforms, with 75% of primary and 95% of secondary school parents reporting they are required to do so.
Suzanne Connolly, Barnardos CEO, says: "Once more it is clear from our survey that parents are stressed out, overburdened and fed up of subsidising our so-called 'free education' system.
"The substantial financial cost of sending a child to school means access to education is not free and anything but equal.
"Developing a free education system will not happen overnight but the Government must take the first step in creating a more equitable system.
"Providing free books for all children would cost a miniscule amount in terms of the Department of Education's overall budget (0.2%) but it would have a transformative impact in terms all children starting off with the same resources."