
Bertie Ahern on presidential run: ‘My main priority is staying alive’ 

“My main priority right now is to stay alive and see the [general] election."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

11.03 9 Jun 2024

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Bertie Ahern on presidential r...

Bertie Ahern on presidential run: ‘My main priority is staying alive’ 

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

11.03 9 Jun 2024

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Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said he is less focused on running for President and more focused on “staying alive”. 

There has been speculation about the former Fianna Fáil leader running in the 2025 presidential election.

He told Taking Stock with Mandy Johnson, however, he has other priorities at the moment. 


“I want to stay alive,” he said. 

“My main priority right now is to stay alive and see the [general] election whether it’s November or February.” 

There has also been rumours that outgoing Fine Gael MEP Frances Fitzgerald might also run.

She said her view is always to “take one election at a time”. 

“There are a few elections now to come before that,” she said. 

“Let's see where we’re all at at that point. 

“I don’t rule things out in politics - politicians tend not to.” 

Ahern on a general election

Amid the unexpectedly good performance of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil in local elections this weekend, there is also speculation a general election is closer than previously thought. 

Mr Ahern, however, pointed out that local elections might not reflect the votes in a larger election. 

“In a lot of the Dublin constituencies, tallies coming in, it was under 45% of the [voter turnout],” he said. 

“In the general election that all of those constituencies, you’d have 65% so there was 20% not at the ballot boxes that will be there. 

“I won’t predict what way they’ll vote, but it will be a different vote.” 

Staff counting ballot papers for the local and European elections in the RDS in Dublin, 8-6-24. Image: Sasko Lazarov/©

Mr Ahern noted he always ran the full term of Government – which in this case would be February 2025. 

He said, however, campaigning “when it’s dark at 4.30pm” isn’t always ideal. 

Newstalk Political Correspondent Seán Defoe said the “electorate won’t like to be played for fools” if a snap election is called. 

“If you call it early just because you're doing well in the polls, they see through you and give you a kick,” he said. 

There are roughly 700 seats left to fill in local elections while counting for European elections is currently underway. 

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