
Best Of The Right Hook: Fine Gael and Fianna Fail need to get on with governing the country, and how safe are you at home?

The Right Hook consisted of the usual mix of news, comment and opinion today and we've put some o...

18.26 10 Mar 2016

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Best Of The Right Hook: Fine G...

Best Of The Right Hook: Fine Gael and Fianna Fail need to get on with governing the country, and how safe are you at home?


18.26 10 Mar 2016

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The Right Hook consisted of the usual mix of news, comment and opinion today and we've put some of the best interviews together in one location for you.

George implores Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil to just form a coalition, and get on with governing the country.  Newstalk's Political Editor Shane Coleman is not at all convinced.

Former Fianna Fáil TD Noel Dempsey gives his thoughts on the possibility of a Grand Coalition.


Economist Dan McLaughlin comments on the notion that high property prices are causing long commutes.

How safe are you in your home?  George wants an end to rural crime, and the idea that someone living alone can be attacked so easily in this country.

You can listen back to all of the interviews here:

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