
Bigger penalty possible for phone use while driving

Drivers caught on their mobile phones could face harsher sanctions under a review of the penalty ...

14.43 19 Sep 2012

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Bigger penalty possible for ph...

Bigger penalty possible for phone use while driving


14.43 19 Sep 2012

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Drivers caught on their mobile phones could face harsher sanctions under a review of the penalty points system.

The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications met with representatives of the AA, Road Safety Authority (RSA) and the Irish Insurance Federation this morning to discuss the recent report.

Areas up for consideration are an increase in the number of points for speeding, front seatbelt offences and using a mobile phone.


The penalty points system will be a decade old next month.

The Transport Minister Leo Varadkar has announced the review of the scheme.

New driving offences were brought in last month for people who failed to use seatbelts or the correct restraints on children in cars.

Drivers are penalised for putting their child in the front of a car in a rear facing seat and if they do not have their child in “an appropriate child restraint” such as a child or booster seat.

In addition new offences were introduced for bus and truck drivers too for failing to wear a seatbelt and for having an overweight truck.

Conor Faughnan is from AA Roadwatch.

He told Lunchtime here on Newstalk that offences for use of a mobile will see the biggest change.

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