
Bus Éireann to operate all services today

Bosses at Bus Éireann say they are hopeful of a successful conclusion to talks with unions...

19.54 15 May 2013

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Bus Éireann to operate all ser...

Bus Éireann to operate all services today


19.54 15 May 2013

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Bosses at Bus Éireann say they are hopeful of a successful conclusion to talks with unions on achieving €5 million in cost savings at the company.

Unions and management talked through the night at the Labour Relations Commission in an effort to reach agreement.

The company has confirmed that all its services will operate as normal today.


Marathon talks continue, but both sides have agreed workers will give 24 hours notice if they were going back out on the picket line. Management said that was neccessary to allow customers plan ahead.

Bus Éireann spokesperson, Andrew McAlinden - who was not inside at the talks himself - told Newstalk Breakfast negotiations are due to conclude mid-morning, amid a mood of positive engagement:

Meanwhile, SIPTU are due to count their ballots for strike action at Bus Éireann this morning.

The union has warned that if no agreement is reached between unions and management over cuts to workers pay and conditions that their members at Bus Éireann will join their NBRU colleagues in industrial action - they've also warned that 4,000 workers at Dublin Bus and Irish Rail will also be balloted.

Customers are advised to check and local and national media for latest information.

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