The Communications Minister says the government wants to tackle the 'worrying' rise in Dublin property prices.
Pat Rabbitte made the comments on the way into a special Cabinet meeting to discuss ways to stimulate the construction sector.
Ministers are expected to consider measures aimed at tripling the number of family homes built every year, creating up to 60,000 new building jobs.
Pat Rabbitte says there is a clear lack of family homes in Dublin, and the government must address the issue:
Among the measures expected to be discussed is a dramatic reduction in council development levies, a tax on zoned land that is lying idle and scrapping the law which sets aside a fifth of new builds for social housing.
The overall goal of the scheme is to triple the number of family homes built per year from 8,000 last year to 25,000 in 2015, and in the process create up to 60,000 new jobs.
The meeting comes ahead of the latest Action Plan for Jobs - which will see the IDA get added funding to promote Ireland abroad - with the hope of adding another 10,000 jobs to the workforce.