
Cabinet agrees on new abortion legislation

The Cabinet has agreed the new abortion legislation. The Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill...

06.09 12 Jun 2013

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Cabinet agrees on new abortion...

Cabinet agrees on new abortion legislation


06.09 12 Jun 2013

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The Cabinet has agreed the new abortion legislation. The Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill 2013 is likely to be published later this evening.

Meanwhile the Taoiseach has revealed he has been sent letters written in blood and plastic foetuses from those who object to proposed legislation.

Enda Kenny has also told the Dáil he is a Taoiseach who happens to be a Catholic and not a Catholic Taoiseach.


Mr. Kenny has outlined the extent of the campaigning against him.

The Cabinet met in special session this morning. Last night, Catholic Bishops issued a strongly worded statement in which they criticised the legislation.

But Enda Kenny told reporters on his way into the Cabinet meeting this morning that the new Bill is entirely in keeping with the Constitution.

While Health Ministers signed off on the legislation on Monday drafting the final document has proven difficult since.

One of the sticking points was the wording of a review clause and how to assess the workings of the legislation after a period of time of its operation.

Meanwhile Health Minister James Reilly is to publish the report by the independent group of international experts into the death of Savita Halappanavar by the end of the week.

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