
IMO wants to meet the HSE over potential Irish Ebola cases

The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has called on the Health Service Executive (HSE) to meet it ...

07.19 10 Oct 2014

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IMO wants to meet the HSE over...

IMO wants to meet the HSE over potential Irish Ebola cases


07.19 10 Oct 2014

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The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has called on the Health Service Executive (HSE) to meet it as a matter of urgency regarding potential Ebola cases.

The IMO says the HSE must consult with medical staff who will be on the front line, dealing with members of the public who may present with symptoms.

An IMO spokesman said "All doctors want to do their very best to effectively manage those patients who are presenting with systems, but it is not good enough to simply issue guidelines in the current situation."


"Doctors across the services - GPs, public health doctors and hospital doctors - have received guidelines; however we do have concerns that such guidelines assume a fully operating and functional service all around the country and this is simply not the case."

"We do not wish to be in any way alarmist about this situation but we must recognise that doctors need to have the resources and structures to deal with any circumstances that may arise," he added.

The Emergency Task Force met yesterday to review Irish preparations in the event of an outbreak.

It is briefing the Cabinet today on plans to deal with any outbreak here.

But the Health Minister Leo Varadkar is insisting the chance of Ebola reaching Ireland remains very low.

He also says an entry screening programme for the disease in Ireland is not being considered.

Yesterday, the British government said it is to begin screening for Ebola at the country's main entry points.

The screenings will initially begin at Heathrow and Gatwick airports in London and at Eurostar terminals.

This will involve assessing passengers recent travel histories, details of their forward travel plans and if necessary heath assessments.

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