
Call for three year rent freeze to tackle "worsening crisis"

There is a call for an emergency rent freeze for at least three years to tackle the housing crisi...
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

19.08 26 Sep 2019

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Call for three year rent freez...

Call for three year rent freeze to tackle "worsening crisis"

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

19.08 26 Sep 2019

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There is a call for an emergency rent freeze for at least three years to tackle the housing crisis.

It comes as Carlow and Macroom have become the two latest areas to be designated as Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs).

While the Residential Tenancies Board's latest index shows a 7% annual increase in national rents.


An RPZ designation means rent increases are limited to a maximum of 4% per year.

However, People Before Profit has called for a three year emergency rent freeze.

Richard Boyd Barrett said that the latest report shows the "utter failure" of the RPZs.

"I am calling on the [housing] minister and his Government to acknowledge the failure of his policies in dealing with this disastrous and growing crisis and to introduce an emergency rent freeze for at least three years.

"Rents are continuing to rise, especially in Dublin, where the crisis is most acute and yet the government refuses to take the effective measures to control rent as People Before Profit have been suggesting for years.

"I am also calling on the minister to immediately give powers to local authorities to set rents.

"People Before Profit have been calling this crisis out for the best part of a decade and yet the government blatantly refuses to accept any of our proposals."

While housing charity Threshold has claimed the increase in average rent shows the affordability crisis in the private rental sector is getting worse.

RPZ status 'not working'

CEO John-Mark McCafferty said: "The 7% annual increase is substantial, but the 3% rise in just three months (April-June) suggests that we are going to see more and more people put at risk of homelessness as we head into the winter.

"Rising rent inflation at a time when over 10,000 are already homeless is a recipe for a worsening crisis."

Mr McCafferty added: "Many tenants in RPZs have seen their rents rise beyond that limit.

"For example, rents for renewed tenancies increased by 7.5% since Q2 2018.

"This indicates that the rent pressure zones rules continue to be flouted as sitting tenants face rent increase beyond the permitted 4%.

"We urge people who believe their rents have increased over 4% in the last year, and who live in RPZs, to call us on 1800-454-454."

While Labour's housing spokesperson, Jan O'Sullivan, said: "The cost of rent in parts of the country has now gone way above the boom time highs, making it completely unaffordable for the vast majority of people.

"If we look at Dublin in particular where the average monthly rent now stands at €1,700 - it's very clear the rent pressure zone status is not working.

"This is a yearly increase of 7% - much higher than the 4% cap.

"At the very least, Minister Murphy needs to instate a dwelling specific rent register, so tenants can clearly see what has previously been charged.

"It's also time to consider introducing a temporary rent freeze as for those already paying extortionately high rents, a 4% increase is in itself quite significant."

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Carlow Housing Crisis Jan O'Sullivan John-Mark McCafferty Macroom National Rents People Before Profit Rent Freeze Rent Pressure Zones Residential Tenancies Board Richard Boyd Barrett Threshold

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