
Calls for 60 cent increase on cigarettes

Ash Ireland says over 900,000 smokers in the country smoke 6 billion cigarettes every year. They ...

16.53 31 Oct 2012

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Calls for 60 cent increase on...

Calls for 60 cent increase on cigarettes


16.53 31 Oct 2012

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Ash Ireland says over 900,000 smokers in the country smoke 6 billion cigarettes every year.

They claim a significant price increase is the best weapon in the fight against the habit.

It says 5,700 people die of tobacco related illnesses every year and the government has to take a leadership role in the effort to cut that number.


Dr. Ross Morgan is Chairman of ASH Ireland.

“Significant price increase encourages smokers to quit and discourages young people from commencing the habit” he said.

“One in two people who smoke will die because of this and it is incumbent on the government to take a leadership role and increase price and in doing so reduce prevalence” he added.

Further proposals

The group also confirmed today that it has put 3 other proposals to the Finance Minister Michael Noonan:

  • The removal of VAT from all nicotine replacement patches
  • The placing of a 50 cents environmental levy on all tobacco products to be charged to the Tobacco Industry
  • The provision of an additional €5 million per annum over the next 5 years in the fight against tobacco smuggling

Dr. Morgan concluded that “the fight against tobacco and addiction is an on-going challenge”.

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