The Jobs Minister Richard Bruton has expressed full confidence in the Attorney-General in the wake of a successful legal challenge last week to the referendum information campaign by government.
Minister Bruton also says the strength of the No votes in the children’s referendum and the low voter turnout does not mean the government will consider delaying the Seanad referendum next year.
The government is to review the events which led to the successful Supreme Court legal challenge to its information campaign in the days before the referendum vote on Saturday.
The review will focus in part on the advice offered by the Attorney-General.
But Jobs Minister Richard Bruton says he has full confidence in the abilities of the chief legal advisor to government.
Permanent Referendum Commissioner
Meanwhile the Minister for Social Protection says the government needs to examine whether or not we need a permanent or semi-permanent Referendum Commissioner.
Joan Burton says having someone in the role full time would allow the Commission to consider information about proposed changes to the Constitution and make it easier for ordinary people to understand.
She says preparation needs to get underway in referendum campaigns at an early stage.