British Prime Minister David Cameron has hailed the introduction of gay marriages in England and Wales as "historic".
On the day when same-sex couple were celebrating marriage ceremonies across Britain – following the change in law coming into effect at midnight – Cameron tweeted: "Congratulations to the gay couples who have already been married - and my best wishes to those about to be on this historic day."
In an open letter published by Pink News Cameron said:
“When people’s love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change.
“The introduction of same-sex civil marriage says something about the sort of country we are. It says we are a country that will continue to honour its proud traditions of respect, tolerance and equal worth. It also sends a powerful message to young people growing up who are uncertain about their sexuality. It clearly says ‘you are equal’ whether straight or gay.”
“Together we should be proud to live in a country judged to be the best place to live in Europe if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans. But we should equally be far from complacent about the challenges that remain – and I am just as committed as ever to working with you to challenge attitudes and stamp-out homophobic bullying and hate crimes.”
Nic Pettit and Tania Ward got married in Brighton today: