Hundreds of cannabis users protested the criminalisation of the drug by lighting up in Phoenix Park on Sunday.
The Big Smoke Up was organised by the Major Group for Cannabis Reform who hope it will highlight their desire for a change in the legislation.
“It’s basically a mass display of civil disobedience in order to kind of show the need for cannabis law reform in the country,” organiser Charlene Flynn told Newstalk.
“And [to show] just how many different kinds of people consume cannabis on a daily basis and are criminalised because of it.”
The event featured performances, spoken word poetry and quizzes - all while people happily puffed away on cannabis.

“I wouldn’t grow more than four plants for legal reasons,” one daily user said.
“That’s kind of the threshold where it gets to be a much bigger issue but it reduces a lot of risk and I’m not giving money to gangs.”
Although Gardaí said they were not informed about the protest, four turned up to monitor the event.
Currently, it is an offence to possess, cultivate or sell cannabis in Ireland - unless it is in accordance with a Ministerial License - and courts can impose a custodial sentence on users.
The Citizens’ Assembly on Drug Use is currently considering “the legislative, policy and operational changes Ireland could make to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illicit drugs on individuals, families, communities and wider Irish society.” notes cannabis is an addictive drug and can damage a user’s lungs and trigger mental health problems - such as depression, anxiety and paranoia.
Main image: Protest in favour of cannabis reform.