
Car insurer proposes creating pink 'women only' driving lanes

A UK Car Insurance company has proposed that the government create pink 'women only' driving lane...

15.27 20 Aug 2014

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Car insurer proposes creating...

Car insurer proposes creating pink 'women only' driving lanes


15.27 20 Aug 2014

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A UK Car Insurance company has proposed that the government create pink 'women only' driving lanes to ensure the safety of female drivers.

'PinkZones', a concept developed by female focused car insurance company Sheila's Wheels, would see the creation of pink car lanes in which only female drivers could drive.

The proposal came as a result of reports that suggest female drivers were more vulnerable on the road. 


Figures from the UK Department for Transport in 2012 show men were involved in 114,190 traffic accidents compared to just 70,470 for women, but 53 per cent of women involved in a traffic accidents are badly injured, compared to just 38 per cent of men.

It also reports that male drivers are four times more likely to be convicted of a motoring offence on British roads than women.

Sheila's Wheels

The PinkZones design concept proposes demarcating lanes for women drivers on the existing road network and the  the creation of women-only flyovers above some of Britain’s busiest roads to ehance the 'quality of life' of female drivers. 

Sheila's Wheels spokesperson Andy Sommer defended the proposal saying 'Sheila's Wheels is the UK’s leading car insurer for women, Sheilas’ Wheels is serious about creating a safer road network for female drivers and we believe a discussion about how best to achieve this is long overdue.'


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