
Cashless GAA could 'wait' until there is 'nobody' who can't use a phone - Cllr

“What is wrong with opening up one gate to let people in with cash?” 
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

09.24 17 May 2024

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Cashless GAA could 'wait' unti...

Cashless GAA could 'wait' until there is 'nobody' who can't use a phone - Cllr

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

09.24 17 May 2024

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Cashless GAA matches should happen once there are no more people who can't use phones, according to one Cavan councillor. 

The current GAA ticket policy only allows people to buy tickets on,, in selected Centra and SuperValu shops, and in GAA clubs. 

Aontú Councillor for Cavan Sarah O’Reilly has argued the cashless policy “ostracises” older GAA fans who would prefer to buy tickets at the stadium before the game with cash. 


She told Newstalk Breakfast she received many complaints when cashless tickets were introduced in Cavan in 2020. 

“They have introduced some measures since to try and alleviate the problem, but they still haven't introduced cash,” she said. 

A survey from Deloitte in March 2024 found that 96% of Irish people own a smartphone, while total of 98% of 18 to 75-year-olds use their smartphone every day. 

Non-phone users

Defenders of cashless GAA have said statistics like this show people can book their tickets ahead of time online. 

Cllr O’Reilly, however, argued that those who don’t use a phone should not be punished. 

“It may be small numbers, but these are people who have dedicated their lives to the GAA,” she said. 

“If it’s that amount of people who have phones and smartphones, it won’t be long until there is nobody [who does not know how to use a phone]. 

“I can't understand why they can't just wait until that happens. 

“What is wrong with opening up one gate to let people in with cash?” 

Cashless GAA app

There are also issues with the app, according to Cllr O’Reilly, that prove the cashless policy is unnecessary. 

“I've gone to marches where the app has been down all morning and people can't buy tickets, so when you do go to a game... you can buy tickets,” she said. 

“When it suits the GAA, they can accept cash.” 

The councillor also pointed out that the GAA receives a “substantial amount” from taxpayers, so they should be more inclusive for all Irish people. 

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