
Central Bank chief: ECB programme could help Ireland

The Governor of the Central Bank says Ireland could benefit from the European Central Bank (ECB) ...

14.56 7 Sep 2012

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Central Bank chief: ECB progra...

Central Bank chief: ECB programme could help Ireland


14.56 7 Sep 2012

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The Governor of the Central Bank says Ireland could benefit from the European Central Bank (ECB) decision to buy the bonds of troubled Eurozone countries.

Yesterday the ECB unveiled its href=""> bond-buying initiative.

It is the latest plan to tackle the economic crisis.


Speaking earlier Governor Patrick Honohan said the measure showed the ECB has the tools to fix the Euro crisis and is prepared to use them.

The German Bundesbank opposed the move.

But Mr. Honohan said they would eventually support it.

He said he does not expect the ECB to start buying Irish bonds immediately but the programme would apply to countries coming back into the market.

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