
Charity says family homelessness outside Dublin at 'unprecedented levels'

A housing and homeless charity has warned family homelessness outside the capital is at unprecede...
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

10.28 30 Dec 2018

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Charity says family homelessne...

Charity says family homelessness outside Dublin at 'unprecedented levels'

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

10.28 30 Dec 2018

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A housing and homeless charity has warned family homelessness outside the capital is at unprecedented levels, having risen for the sixth year in a row.

Focus Ireland has launched its annual review - which said there are 9,968 people homeless across the country.

It said it has worked with over 15,000 people during 2018.


"This year is seeing the largest ever increase in family homelessness", the report said.

"While a significant number of individuals and families have been supported to move on from homelessness, there have been a number of challenges that has seen homelessness increase again this year to new record highs".

These have included a reduction in allocations by some local authorities, and the continuing housing crisis - which the charity said has led to increasing tightening of the private rental market.

Source: Focus Ireland

While it said the number of families entering homelessness increased.

The majority of those in emergency accommodation are in the Dublin region (67%). But this has also increased outside the capital.

Focus Ireland said: "The reclassification of a significant percentage of families experiencing homelessness in 2018 has hidden the true scale of the increase in homelessness.

"That process needs to be considered in reviewing the year.

"When we take account of the reclassification family homelessness in Ireland rose by 52% in 2018".

Focus Ireland advocacy manager Roughan MacNamara said: "It is clear that Rebuilding Ireland is not working, there is a massive over-reliance on using the private rented market, and not the building of social housing.

"Yes, there is good work being done, but this New Year's Eve there are 9,968 men, women and children homeless across Ireland."

Source: Focus Ireland

According to official figures, family homelessness has increased by 23% from the end of December 2017 to the end of November this year.

However when those families who have been 'reclassified' out of official numbers are included, family homelessness has risen by 53%.

These families are still receiving homeless services and classified by local authorities as homeless.

In hard numbers, Focus Ireland said that means there are 745 more families and 1,600 more children in homelessness this year than last.

It said this is the largest ever increase in family homelessness.

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