Children’s services will be suspended at Tallaght Hospital from midnight tomorrow to make space for COVID-19 patients.
The hospital’s acute paediatric services are being temporarily relocated to Crumlin and Temple Street hospitals.
The paediatric outpatients and urgent care centre at Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown will also take in some services.
Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) said it will use its staff, facilities and bed capacity to support the main hospital through an expected surge in COVID-19 patients.
It noted that, while children are vulnerable to COVID-19, its effects appear to be less severe in children than adults and similar decisions have been made in other countries around the world.
Dr Ciara Martin Paediatric Executive Lead at Tallaght Hospital said the decision was taken in the face of a national public health crisis like we have never seen before.
“It is so important that all of us within the health service take whatever steps are possible to ensure that the we direct resources where they are most in need – to support patients and our colleagues,” she said.
“We are all committed to providing the best possible clinical care to those who need it and we believe that by taking the steps today, the health system as a whole will be strengthened.
She said the temporary relocation of children’s services is “temporary but necessary.”
“I want to thank our staff for their dedication, responsiveness and flexibility during these unprecedented times and also want to reassure parents and families that we continue to offer all necessary paediatric services at CHI at Crumlin and Temple Street.
“We will reopen paediatric services at Tallaght when we get through this pandemic.”
Children's Health Ireland
CHI said it was committed to maintaining essential paediatric services for specific patient groups.
It said the 24-hour Emergency Departments at both Crumlin and Temple Street remain open for all emergencies.
Meanwhile, the CHI Urgent Care Centre at Connolly is open minor injuries or illnesses between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Families that regularly attend CHI at Tallaght can find additional information about what the relocation means for them here.