
Ciara Kelly: Bomb threat against Taoiseach's home 'deeply sinister'

Investigations are underway following a bomb threat made against Simon Harris's house in County Wicklow on Wednesday
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

08.13 27 Jun 2024

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Ciara Kelly: Bomb threat again...

Ciara Kelly: Bomb threat against Taoiseach's home 'deeply sinister'

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

08.13 27 Jun 2024

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A bomb threat made against the Taoiseach's family home is deeply concerning in a country that is supposedly a liberal democracy, Ciara Kelly has said.

Investigations are underway following a threat made against Simon Harris's house in County Wicklow.

A phone call using a code-word was made to the Samaritans helpline on Wednesday evening claiming a device had been planted at the property.


The Taoiseach's wife and young children were home at the time but Gardaí say they didn't have to be evacuated and nothing was found during a follow up search.

The bomb threat incident is now being treated as a hoax.

Newstalk Breakfast presenter Ciara Kelly said it is a 'deeply sinister' move.

"Is this the direction that we think is acceptable?" she said.

"I accept that most people don't but there seems to me to be a cohort that believe if you are in the public eye... that [people] can behave in any way they want.

"I don't know if this is far-left, far-right - it's extremism".

'Democratic mandate'

Ciara said politicians are elected by the people to represent them.

"These are real people and by the way these real people have a democratic mandate," she said.

"We elected them, we voted for them so they are there with the will of the people to govern the people - they're there for no other reason.

"I just find it deeply concerning that a politician or their family would be threatened in this way in a country that is supposedly a liberal democracy".

Ciara added that she hopes they "throw the book at the person when they catch them".

An Garda Síochána said it does not comment on security matters relating to Government ministers or any elected representatives.

Similar bomb threats have been made against other politicians recently including Justice Minister Helen McEntee.

Main image: Split-screen shows Ciara Kelly presenting Newstalk Breakfast and Taoiseach Simon Harris

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Bomb Threat Ciara Kelly Extremism Garda Síochana Newstalk Breakfast Simon Harris Taoiseach Wicklow

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