Building a MetroLink station at St Stephen's Green in Dublin should be done if the capital wants to move forward, Ciara Kelly has said.
Concerns have been raised about the impact of the project on the park.
The OPW has made 28 submissions about State-owned properties, such as the GPO and Leinster House, that could be affected by building MetroLink.
It told the oral hearing on the project that agreement had been reached on 27 properties but not in relation to St Stephen's Green - which it says it does not accept there will be no demolition or destruction.
Newstalk Breakfast host Ciara Kelly said objects can be taken away and put back.
"I'm sure you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs," she said.
"So, I have no doubt if they're going to put a MetroLink station on St Stephen's Green there's going to be building work, and they may well have to move railings and bollards and what have you.
"I do not believe for one moment that it is beyond the wit of man - or woman - to take those railings away, put them somewhere and then put them back again.
"The same with the bollards, the same with the granite, the same with the monuments.
"I am exhausted by what we can't do in this country."

Ciara said the capital has to make way for such new developments.
"We know we need public transport, we know we need this kind of infrastructure," she said.
"In other cities it is basic infrastructure, but we can't do it because there's something there already.
"Newsflash: We live in a city, and it's an old city, so there's stuff everywhere."
'Why is this even an issue?'
Ciara said concerns about the relocation of monuments and the removal of more than 60 trees should not hold up the project.
"People in other countries take down by buildings brick by brick and put them back up again," she said.
"I was thinking this morning of Bob the Builder: 'Can we fix it? No - we can't'.
"They're going to cut down some trees, but the wonderful thing about trees is you can regrow them.
"I don't see why this is even an issue".
'Tread with caution'
Presenter Shane Coleman said we should move forward but we need to be careful.
"Look what happened with the ESB on Fitzwilliam Square; they just knocked down a whole load of Georgian buildings, look what happened on Wood Quay," he said.
"My point is we need to tread with a certain amount of caution.
"I'm not saying 'Don't do this', but I think it's legitimate for bodies like the OPW to raise concerns about this, to look at it carefully and not just plough on regardless.
"Let's just proceed with caution and let's listen to the argument," he added.
Ciara said there should be a happy medium between keeping Dublin "in aspic" and moving forward.