
Ciara Kelly: People 'making absolute show of themselves' at Dublin portal

"We’re making an utter show of ourselves."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

08.53 14 May 2024

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Ciara Kelly: People 'making ab...

Ciara Kelly: People 'making absolute show of themselves' at Dublin portal

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

08.53 14 May 2024

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The newly installed Dublin ‘portal’ will be taken down due to anti-social behaviour in the North Inner City, Ciara Kelly has predicted. 

Dublin City Council announced “changes” would be made to the two-way livestream connecting Ireland to New York due to “inappropriate” behaviour. 

Videos on social media show people at the portal on North Earl Street flashing New Yorkers and showing them photos of the World Trade Centre on 9/11. 


Ciara told Newstalk Breakfast it’s “disappointing” to see Irish people make light of a “traumatic event” for Americans with the new tourist attraction. 

“I know people are doing that without thought, as in they’re not being deliberately horrible,” she said. 

“But we’re making an utter show of ourselves - I haven't seen the same stuff coming back from New York.” 

Ciara said Fáilte Ireland can’t be “overly thrilled” at how people have behaved and predicted the Dublin portal will be taken down completely in future. 

She also said people have questioned whether the portal is in “the wrong place” at North Earl Street in the inner city. 

“I've seen people say don't stigmatise the North Inner City, it should have [the portal],” she said. 

“We’re allowed to talk about the North Inner City having anti-social behaviour when we’re talking about investments, when we’re talking about what it needs. 

“We're not [allowed to talk] about the North Inner City having antisocial problems when this is happening. 

“You have to be allowed to have honest conversations about our society.” 

Discussions about this anti-social behaviour would work towards improving the area, according to Ciara.

Dublin Portal. Image via SmartDublin

Presenter Shane Coleman said it likely doesn’t matter where the Dublin portal is, and Ciara agreed we'll never know what would have happened if the portal was at Stephen's Green.

“O'Connell street is the main thoroughfare of the city, so it’s where it should be,” he said. 

“I'm sort of in two minds about it.” 

Recalling seeing similar situations when he was young, Shane said the anti-social behaviour is partly “ever thus”. 

“But there's also a large part of the that is absolutely mortified that we cannot have something like this,” he said. 

“Is it too twee or too cliche just to wave at somebody and give it a thumbs up?” 

It is currently unclear when the Dublin portal will be livestreamed to New York once again. 

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9/11 Ciara Kelly Dublin Dublin Portal New York North Inner City Shane Coleman Tourism

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