Closing your windows won't stop spiders coming into your house, according to a wildlife expert.
It's thought spiders will be coming indoors in the next eight weeks to mate before the winter sets in.
Wildlife expert Eanna Ní Lamhna told The Anton Savage Show house spiders are important and people shouldn’t be too quick to try and get rid of them.
She also pointed out that even if you try to get rid of spiders in your house, you’re probably doing it wrong.
“One [species] is called the house spider, and one that was called the bath spider because that's where they live,” she said.
“The rest of them live outside.
“The garden spider, for example, the one with the lovely web and the swipey legs, he'll be all over the place outside, hanging on the window.
“They never come in at all – it's just the house spider that does this and they’re in the house all the time, so [closing the window] is nonsense.”
Living with spiders
Ms Ní Lamhna also pointed out that spiders can be a big benefit to someone’s house.
“Last week, I had to see heaps of questions for people who said, ‘I hate them fruit flies, they’re eating all my fruits’,” she said.
“What do you think eats flies only spiders?
“Now make up your mind - do you want fruit flies or do you want spiders?”

The wildlife expert acknowledged that a spider like the false widow is seen as “mean” - but it’s not as serious as people make it out to be.
“They are actually an outdoor spider, in fact, but they can come inside,” she said.
“[But] they don't come running over to grab you and bite you.
“If you sit on one it will bite you... it’s only the same as getting stung by a bee.”
Spider season
‘Spider season’ typically lasts from mid-August until early October in Ireland and the UK.
Male spiders look for female spiders to procreate it – with the female spider dying after laying 100 eggs.
Ms Ní Lamhna said if you notice spider eggs in your home, you can embrace your 100 new roommates – or you can get a hoover.
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